Part 24: Bushed Out
Part 23: Bushed Out
The Withered Forest

Maybe we should stop picking who explores by flipping a coin...

Welcome back to EO1, where the enemies suck and the deaths don't matter.

I love seeing some good carnage. No matter who's on the end of it!

Ah the deafening call of frogs. It's what woke me up in the morning before Gerson's snoring.

Well let's hope they're not too hard to catch, here in this massive room.

I don't recall these frogs being such dangerous adversaries before!

What are they doing in a desert anyway?
Level: 42
HP: 2030
STR: 210
VIT: 96
AGI: 71
LUC: 71
TEC: 47
EXP: 650
Curse: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Curse on the entire party. Has a 50% infliction chance and a 120% speed modifier.
Defend: Uses the Head. Increases DEF by 50% and has an 80% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Normal: None
Rare: None
Conditional: None

It's been a while since some Quest enemies. Also notice how long it took me to chase down this thing. Hextoads are completely different to Hexfrogs, in that they're stronger and can Defend. They're both dicks with Curse, but what isn't, really? Bind their head asap, but of course you need it to land.

Considerably more beefy, and Curse can be a very hard ailment to deal with.

Can't let up... must keep firing... oh god the pain.

Hopefully next fight goes better by actually landing Head Bind.

His glare is fearsome, but I say Liana's is worse!

My head still hurts from when she hit me on B2F.
Level: 44
HP: 467
STR: 190
VIT: 100
AGI: 39
LUC: 44
TEC: 34
EXP: 1204
Hell Hit: Uses the Arms. A Cut and Fire attack that deals 110% damage to a single target. Has a 120% speed modifier and will always hit unless accuracy/evasion is changed.
Fear Eye: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Fear on a single target. Has a 70% infliction chance and a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Hard Shard. 25% chance. Sells for 70en.
3 required for Ebon Aspis (Shield, DEF+10)
5 required for Breaker (Axe, ATK+151)
3 required for Under construction
Steel Chip. 20% chance. Sells for 86en.
1 required for Steelsword (Sword, ATK+125)
1 required for Blade Whip (Whip, ATK+115)
3 required for Brigandine (Light Armor, DEF+32)
3 required for Ebon Aspis (Shield, DEF+10)
5 required for Godendag (Staff, ATK+99, HP+19)
5 required for Shida (Katana, ATK+149)
5 required for Wyvernmail (Heavy Armor, DEF+26, All Resist Up 5%)
7 required for Flame Boot (Footwear, DEF+6, AGI+9)
5 required for Under construction
Conditional: None

We'll encounter them more next floor, but every regular forest folk enemy has an upgraded counterpart. Warriors hit real goddamn hard and opt to just use Hell Hit every turn, which, due to being the first ever composite attack we've seen (and one of three enemies actually use), is two attacks in one and thus really hurts. Definitely one of the most dangerous enemies in the stratum.

More human-like enemies to kill for fun and profit!

Hot stuff coming through.

Hey I was about to say that...

Guh, well, it's better than nothing.

I don't understand what's so hard about avoiding it.

I wish you guys weren't, you almost feel like family when it happens. Sniff, poor mama.

You'd think they couldn't see with squirrels clawing at its eyes...

I don't want to know what it's oozing from its skin.

Oh we'll find out.
Level: 42
HP: 1964
STR: 204
VIT: 93
AGI: 69
LUC: 69
TEC: 46
EXP: 600
Bind Caw: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Head Bind on the entire party. Has a 70% infliction chance and a 10% speed modifier.
Venom: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Poison on the entire party. Has an 45% infliction chance, deals 73 Poison damage and has a 100% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Normal: None
Rare: None
Conditional: None

The other quest enemy isn't as deadly, since 73 damage isn't even a 3HKO for most of our party. Still, best to bind it to shut it down completely, since Ryu can deal a lot of damage to it. Everyone else doesn't really care about head binds.

Head binds shut down Alchemists and supports, but does nothing to physical attackers. And the poison is easily dealt with at this point.

I miss my Poison...

Ugh, my sword's all sticky... how many of these things are there?

The answer is always too many.

Much easier throwing this out to see if it sticks.

Just riveting.

Now it's almost too quiet.

Pain in the ass, but since I walked around the floor a bunch beforehand, it was easy enough to see where they were.
The Lounge Where We Speak of Tomorrow
3 Sand Cloths and 3 Ink Sticks are required for Dark Tunic (Light Armor, DEF+26), sells for 3240en
3 Hard Shards, 3 Steel Chips and 3 Ink Sticks are required for Ebon Aspis (Shield, DEF+10), sells for 1620en

You guys reek of frog.

Oh that's surprising, we didn't fight a single one.

You need to work on your sarcasm~

Beat the monsters, did you? Our client will be relieved, I'm sure. Then again... if he's attacked by a different monster, this was all for nothing.

What, no mushroom pun?

That is beneath me.

Even if the medicine made from this would save my life... I'm not sure I'd want to take it. Still, thanks for your hard work, as always.

Be pretty scary if this mushroom attacked people instead of bugs.

That just sounds ridiculous.

Hey, if the game gives me two new gathering types in one, might as well grab everything.
3 Cordyceps are required for Stonard II (Item, increases the target's DEF by 126% for 5 turns), sells for 1200en
3 Dry Peaches and 1 Sap Wine are required for Nectar II (Medicine, revives the target by 300HP, affected by Healer), sells for 1200en
1 Sand Twig is required for Sandy Pin (Headgear, DEF+4, TP+14), sells for 1170en
2 Sand Twigs and 1 Oleander are required for Rose Ring (Accessory, DEF+1, VIT+4, AGI+7), sells for 7000en
10 Dried Vines and 3 Sand Twigs are required for Kithara (Troubadour Accessory, TP+30), sells 4500en
5 Sand Twigs and 1 Dried Vine are required for Heaven Bow (Bow, ATK+111), sells for 4840en
The Withered Forest

Alright, it's time for the nineteenth floor! Definitely at the point of the stratum where I have had enough of going through all of it...

Not how you do plurals game, but good effort anyway.

Okay, now we're ready for B19F!

I think we've had enough of staring into weird holes for one adventure.

What about weird bushes?

Flora we've interacted with has always been interesting.

We warped right on top of some birds, fantastic. Why was Aryll still petrified?

We thought you were gonna do it!
Level: 45
HP: 389
STR: 159
VIT: 97
AGI: 98
LUC: 98
TEC: 49
EXP: 1324
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Red Plume. 35% chance. Sells for 83en.
3 required for Brigandine (Light Armor, DEF+32)
4 required for Lycoris (Clothing, DEF+28)
5 required for Red Cape (Accessory, DEF+2, HP+19)
Red Beak. 20% chance. Sells for 85en.
1 required for Wyvernmail (Heavy Armor, DEF+26, All Resist Up 5%)
5 required for Godendag (Staff, ATK+99, HP+19)
1 required for Chef's demand
Conditional: None

Oh hey we can finally finish that quest we got 2 floors ago. Anyway, Redbeaks are pretty mean since they come in packs of enemies that hit hard and do little else. At least they're easier to kill than Warriors, but they're still fast little buggers not being weighed down by skill speed, so they can be quite a drain on what is already quite a long venture.

A rather simplistic enemy, though you can't really bind the body parts that matter on it for whatever reason.

Still, since Drain is max level, Simone one shots them and heals herself! Bloody bargain.

Oh by the way, warp maze, always fun.

Do you like teleporter mazes?

The bushes are easy enough to make out since they're the only thing that's animated, but yeah, two different paths, so let's head down.

Oh hey I didn't die this time.

See, we believed in you!

Alright, that's both of Aryll's skills done, now to work on passives for the rest of the game. Aren't some classes just real interesting? Anyway, Orochi now deals 140% damage with an additional 100% Fire hit, real nice, but only does better than Midareba when hitting a Fire weakness of 150% or more.

Nearly every room on this floor is just a corridor and nothing else. I'll show them, but you won't be happy about it.

Trust me, it's about as fun to play through as it is to watch. Er, read about.

Let's hope this is last time we fight one of these.

Heading south nets us treasure. Is it any good?

No STR, no deal.

If something is gonna offer only DEF, it better be offering a lot of it!
B19F A5 Chop Point
Sand Twig. 50% chance. Sells for 76en.
1 required for Sandy Pin (Headgear, DEF+4, TP+14)
2 required for Rose Ring (Accessory, DEF+1, VIT+4, AGI+7)
3 required for Kithara (Troubadour Accessory, TP+30)
5 required for Heaven Bow (Bow, ATK+111)
10 required for Labyris (Axe, ATK+162, STR+9)
Cross Seed. 25% chance. Sells for 150en.
1 required for Blaze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Fire attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Freeze Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack an Ice attribute, must be restocked)
1 required for Shock Oil (Item, gives the target's regular attack a Volt attribute, must be restocked)
Sap Wine. 15% chance. Sells for 165 en.
1 required for Nectar II (Medicine, revives the target by 300HP, affected by Healer)
3 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)

And heading up is a one-way warp to this room, which is just after the warp we skipped at the start of this split. Dunno why they have gathering points here when it's much easier going to the bounty of the last floor, but whatever.

So is this better or worse than the last floor?

Let's just say they're both a load of wank.

Ah, a new enemy.

There is? I can't tezzzzzzzzz
Level: 44
HP: 351
STR: 132
VIT: 100
AGI: 44
LUC: 44
TEC: 72
EXP: 1278
Terrify: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Fear on a single target. Has a 70% infliction chance and a 10% speed modifier.
Blinder: Uses the Head. Attempts to inflict Curse on the entire party. Has a 25% infliction chance and a 50% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Fairy Wing. 30% chance. Sells for 80en.
3 required for Fairy Robe (Clothing, DEF+24)
5 required for Fairy Boot (Footwear, DEF+4, AGI+7)
Fairy Sap. 15% chance. Sells for 82en.
3 required for Soma (Medicine, restores the entire party by 144HP, affected by Healer)
Conditional: None

Faeries are slightly stronger Pixies with different skills and that's about it. They're less annoying since they don't have Petrify or Sleep, but Curse can be annoying. They're rare enough and don't use their skills all that often to really think about, with Theriaca Bs, you're always happy to encounter these enemies, they're much less scary than the alternatives.

Considerably weaker than Pixies, but watch out for that Curse.

These are the numbers I like seeing!

...what numbers?

Another split, this way first.

Long legs equal big jump. Goody.
B19F F2 Chop Point
Dry Peach. 50% chance. Sells for 99en.
1 required for Soma (Medicine, restores the entire party by 126HP, affected by Healer)
3 required for Nectar II (Medicine, revives the target by 300HP, affected by Healer)
1 required for Chef's demand
Sand Twig. 25% chance. Sells for 76en.
1 required for Sandy Pin (Headgear, DEF+4, TP+14)
2 required for Rose Ring (Accessory, DEF+1, VIT+4, AGI+7)
3 required for Kithara (Troubadour Accessory, TP+30)
5 required for Heaven Bow (Bow, ATK+111)
10 required for Labyris (Axe, ATK+162, STR+9)
Sap Wine. 15% chance. Sells for 165 en.
1 required for Nectar II (Medicine, revives the target by 300HP, affected by Healer)
3 required for Hamaoprime (Medicine, restores the target by 1000HP and 1000TP, must be restocked)

Nice little dead end to end the floor on, since we've ran out of Nectars.
3 Red Plumes and 3 Steel Chips are required for Brigandine (Light Armor, DEF+32), sells for 3600en
5 Ink Sticks and 4 Red Plumes are required for Lycoris (Clothing, DEF+28), sells for 4500en
3 Fairy Sap and 1 Dry Peach are required for Soma (Medicine, restores the entire party by 144HP, affected by Healer), sells for 1000en
5 Fairy Wings and 3 Sand Cloths are required for Fairy Boot (Footwear, DEF+4, AGI+7), sells for 1260en
5 Ink Sticks are required for Ebon Plate (Heavy Armor, DEF+36), sells for 4140en

Hopefully this will stop Simone dying so much. We also finally unlocked Somas, 21 updates after we got a taste of how good they were. This will save a lot of money on Medicas and are just overall real handy.

We also get back to B19F with less hassle, which also helps.

Every time she dies she has a smile on her face. Is she doing it on purpose?

Good thing I dropped all that money on some new armour! Hahaha... level is the only stat that matters.

DEF kinda sucks unless you're using Immunize. And yeah, we weren't kidding when we said that level is the most important stat in the game.

*chomp* *chomp* So good.

Since we're not going the long way via the Sickwood room, it's pretty easy getting back to where we were.

Pfft, so you put on a new dress, that doesn't make you sling spells any better!

Sounds like that's coming from experience.
I was going through a phase!
Level: 44
HP: 351
STR: 132
VIT: 100
AGI: 44
LUC: 44
TEC: 72
EXP: 1197
Ice Shot: Uses the Head. An Ice attack that deals 120% damage to a single target. Has a 10% speed modifier and will always hit unless accuracy/evasion is changed.
Blazer: Uses the Head. A Fire attack that deals 70% damage to the entire party. Has a 10% speed modifier and a 90% accuracy modifier.
Barrier: Uses the Head. Reduces the party's resistance to all damage by 150%. Has a 10% speed modifier.
Damage Vulnerabilities






Disable Vulnerabilities






Sand Cloth. 33% chance. Sells for 70en.
3 required for Dark Tunic (Clothing, DEF+26)
7 required for Sand Glove (Gloves, DEF+4, TEC+3)
Sand Twig. 17% chance. Sells for 76en.
1 required for Sandy Pin (Headgear, DEF+4, TP+14)
2 required for Rose Ring (Accessory, DEF+1, VIT+4, AGI+7)
3 required for Kithara (Troubadour Accessory, TP+30)
5 required for Heaven Bow (Bow, ATK+111)
10 required for Labyris (Axe, ATK+162, STR+9)
Conditional: None

The final upgraded enemy at least can't heal the enemy, but Barrier can be a real pain if you're up against other Druids or Mystics or, hell, even Warriors, so not a fun time. And then elemental damage, but Blazer's weak enough that it's probably not worth using Antifire on.

A much more offensively oriented support enemy. Might wanna take them down first.

Sorry, but your warrior friend was more intimidating.

Bit of a gruelling challenge since the encounter rate is pretty high, but that's why I brought a million healing items. My poor wallet...

Prices are only a suggestion when you have gather bots.

Hmm, interesting magic, seems to be a one way wall that boosts any spells passing through it.

You should make something like that!

I wouldn't have a clue where to start. It's magic.

Well just focus on what you've got and keep them from using it!

Now there's 3 ways to go! Well down is treasure, again and you can tell by your map that the top warp sends you back to that empty room we passed a while ago. The floor is symmetrical after all!

Probably the only real interesting thing about this floor.

Getting a little bored of this, as nice as it all feels.

To not flinch at death in the slightest, how honourable!

Alright, now that we've got Flame, Freeze and Thor to level 5, we'll invest in TP a bit so Ryu can throw around these kinda costly spells more often. Then we'll get them up to level 10 so he doesn't start falling behind.

Another split path, so we'll go down this one. We won't use the other one at all, as you'll see later.

I thought I heard giggling.

Oh sorry, that was me. Just hatching plots.

A Sudden Gust of Wind Before Your Eyes

We are NOT doing that!

Oh you're no fun.

Been a while since that's happened, real shame that FOE's moving is the last thing to happen.

Well I've done my bit, I'm not responsible for anything else that happens.

You could be a bit faster about it...

Bit annoying, but otherwise a standard fight, gotta get those drops!

Oh another one. Surprised you didn't suggest we duck into those alcoves and dodge it.

Hey, if we can take them on, I'm all for it.

Well that was fun. If this path takes you through two FOEs, then what the hell must be down the other path then?

Well as you can see, the other path is just two empty rooms. Which, considering how dangerous the enemies are on this floor, are worse than 2 FOEs that pose little threat. Much faster going this way.

We could put 5SP into Overhead for 11% more ATK, or 1SP in ATK Up for 10% more. Hmm, tricky one. We'll max them both, I'm sure, what else are we gonna do?

Ooh, we're in the middle, hopefully we're through this place.

If you say so, I have no idea where we are.

You're the one drawing the map! Why did we decide that was a good idea, anyway?

It seems more of the forest folk's protectors have appeared further on. If you are prepared to face them in combat, then gather your resolve and proceed!

Oh, it's just these two again. Here I thought this would be a challenge.

Dammit, more work for my masters. They're sick of this desert.

To finish this floor we'll need to take down both FOEs at once! Super scary if you don't have head binds for whatever reason.

No dodging! That's not fair!

That was a
91% chance!!! What is this, XCOM?

91% ain't 100%, son!

Why did we buy her that armour?

I'm sure it'll help if, one day, she stopped ripping it up to show her midriff.

But showing your midriff is the whole point of armour!

With both of them bound, it's not that long before we chew through their health. At least we're done, everyone's exhausted, including me.

I'm not! I'm just laughing at the suffering all around.


Nothing. That's the scary part. Not a single soul on this floor.
Red and Black

No, wait, now there's a lot of them! Big and scary lots of them!

I think we just walked into an ambush.

Thou hast violated the pact, and slaughtered the forest folk. What reason could you have?

The girl makes this harsh demand before spreading her arms and crying out.

Your own kind desires your death, and still your onslaught into the forest continues!

You are struck by the forest girl's strange words. What does she mean by those that wish for your death...? But before you can ask, the girl points into the forest.

Come! Let us end this once and for all! If thou bests our strongest fighters and our guardian bird, then we shall concede defeat!

With that, the girl disappears before you. You wonder if you should return to town, or pursue the girl immediately.

That's right, you're seeing 15 FOE icons on this floor. And like the characters said, there are no random encounters at all.

An entire floor full of the strongest fighters! I would be more excited if it weren't for our mission.

We wouldn't be able to explain our reasoning to her, but this is the best we can do, considering the circumstances.

Still, I wonder how she clocked onto Visil's plan. He hasn't been down here, or at least the Radha say he hasn't.

Perhaps his two lackies are unaware that even they are being spied on. I've felt eyes on us the entire time.

Well we can work out a plan later, let's get out of here, this heat is getting on my nerves.

...wait our own kind want us dead? How long have I been asleep???

Space seems to distort beyond the hole in the tree that's barely wide enough for you. Something unusual is sure to happen if you enter the hole.

Alright, we'll go into this dumb hole. I think I know what it does anyway.

Been a while since I've been through something this reality warping.

Since there's no shortcuts on this floor, the game was nice enough to give us a warp. For the first time. On B19F. But hey, at least this floor is complete!

As you can see, a standard shortcut wouldn't really work due to the floor design, so they kind of shoehorned this warp in.
7 White Skins, 1 Red String and 1 Red Thread are required for Jazeraint (Light Armor, DEF+36, HP+18, TP+10), sells for 8100en
3 Red Strings and 3 Red Threads are required for Nine Tails (Whip, ATK+125, STR+8, AGI+6), sells for 5040en
5 Red Plumes are required for Red Cape (Accessory, DEF+2, HP+19), sells for 6000en

An entire floor full of the strongest fighters! I would be more excited if it weren't for our mission.

How surprising, Aryll said the same thing.

Well I think we should all get the chance at it. I'd feel bad if only you five were responsible for taking on the forest folk.

While we think of that, sounds like we need something sparkly~

This time she wants you to find her a Cullinan, one of the rarest of diamonds. I've heard about this before... I want to see it as much as she does! Good luck.

Wait we just got here and you've already returned with the jewel?

It was posted five hours ago. Like I'd spend any minute longer with you lot than I have to.

Aww don't say that, I'm still not finished with you yet!

Well let's at least see what kind of dish this lot can make.

Hmm... these are going to be used as ingredients in food? The peach, sure, but the fun and the beak...? I can't imagine what this'll turn out as. I guess any chef who can make something good out of these ingredients is worth his salt. But I'm not sure their regular customers would be brave enough to try it...

What a waste. We still need more of these things!

Funny of you to assume you'll get what Shilleka's cooking.

So the ore you mined in the forest will become a beautiful diamond... the Lady will be impressed, I'm sure. Thanks for working so hard for her.

Free stuff is free stuff. I'm not too worried about Ryu dying anymore, even though that can easily happen, but TP is better. And Simone could always use her skills earlier.
5 Red Beaks and 5 Steel Chips are required for Godendag (Staff, ATK+99, HP+19), sells for 4480en

Just had to get some Red Beaks since we didn't see too many, uh, Redbeaks, but we're basically done with this stratum. Next time, we'll get ready to take on the boss by beating two bosses!

No, we're not doing the Stratum 4 boss yet. That's for a bit later.